Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Great news...a new job!!!

Great news...I got a job in Barrie! Rather than commuting 1.5 hours to work everyday I will be working locally. My new office will be a 5 minute drive and in the summer I could potentially walk to work. I'm so excited!

Although it's a bit of a pay cut, it's totally worth it. I'll be a lot happier as I won't have "road rage" and I'll be saving myself a lot of time each day. I may continue to work for TBS but if I do it will only be once a week in one of the Barrie retail stores. That will be enough to supplement my income, ensuring that Josh and I are financially okay.

My first day will be November 26th--my birthday. What a great birthday present to myself. :)

I hope this job will be challenging and rewarding because I'm constantly bored in my current position at TBS.

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