Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Stano's Dirty 30 Birthday Party

Last weekend was Stano's 30th birthday party. Michelle organized an amazing day full of hockey for the boys, lunch at THE PUB (a local "dive" near our house), a BBQ dinner at their house, a Twister competition (which Teresa won!), never ending shots for everyone, and tons of dancing.

Other highlights include: the caramel pecan cheesecake (best cheesecake I've ever had), the NO t-shirt party (which almost every guy participated in), and the Leaf's winning in overtime.

The entire day was action packed and I know a number of people spent ALL of Sunday recovering from the festivities.

Thanks for organizing such a great day. I hope Chris appreciates all the hard work you put into everything.

Our pictures can be viewed in my "favorite links". Enjoy!

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